Runaways Page 12
Olivia glanced at her men. They were all smiling, and that, in turn, made her smile. Paul looked pretty pleased with himself, too.
“What we need to do first, so we’re not sleeping in the vans,” Evan said, “is get our tent set up.”
“I agree.” Harry nodded.
“Do you mind?” Olivia directed at Yamba, “If we do that first?”
“You can sleep in here, in my home. I offer it to you.” Yamba spread his arms wide, gesturing to the hut.
“No, no, it’s…” She paused. “Too kind of you, and we wouldn’t want to impose.”
“We have made arrangements,” Mason said, his hand brushing her lower back. “If you don’t mind us sticking with them.”
“I want you to do what is best for Americans.” Yamba nodded. “I do not know your ways, but if this tent is what is right for you, then please, go ahead.”
Olivia smiled at Anya. “Where shall we set it up?”
“I will show you.” Anya pressed a kiss to her father’s cheek. “I told you they were coming.”
“You did.” He chuckled. “And only a tiny piece of my heart doubted it. I am pleased that doubt can be taken away on the wind now.”
Anya led the way back past the children, who swarmed around Raul until he held up the empty sweet packet and Anya sternly told them to go to their homes.
They skipped off, toward a tall tap that stood on a concrete base, seemingly happy and excited about the new arrivals.
The trucks were parked a hundred meters from the houses at the edge of the village, and the clearing between was flat and relatively free of bushes and trees.
“Here would be good,” Evan said. “Not too close but not too far, either.”
“I agree.” Harry nodded.
“So.” Mason rubbed his hands together. “Let’s get to it. Might be lucky and get it up before dark.”
“Aye. All hands on deck, come on.” Paul strode toward the van with the tent. “This way.”
Olivia caught Harry and Evan sharing a look. She wondered what they were thinking about Paul’s presence. He seemed to be slotting in with the guys pretty easily now, but then two of them he was related to. Raul was so easygoing—unless he was in a kitchen—he’d get on with anyone. But Harry and Evan, it was all she could do to stop them fighting for top-dog position; the last thing she needed was another man in the mix who wanted to be in charge, not least because she had no control over him.
A light wind blew dust around Olivia’s ankles as she helped unload the tent. The canvas was thick and dark green, and Evan soon started constructing the sturdy frame to which it would be attached. Harry, and luckily Paul, too, went along with his instructions as Mason set up the small generator Riley had given them, and Lucas connected the pipes on the chemical toilet and positioned it beside the truck.
Olivia helped Raul with the kitchen equipment, which was basic but adequate, then they began to sort out the beds.
As the sun set, the tent was secured with the final peg.
Olivia stepped back, hands on hips, with the guys at her side to admire it. Standing tall and wide, it would make an adequate home for them while they were in Kaskum.
“Certainly bigger than the shelter on Elysium,” she said.
“Aye, and with a few more home comforts,” Mason said. “There’s power so we’ll have lighting when we want it, and the refrigerator is working.”
“Good,” Raul said. “And the small cooker will run on gas. There is plenty, but if it runs out, we go back to fire.”
“Never going to run out of fire,” Evan said.
“I’ll rig a shower up tomorrow,” Lucas said. “If we put water in that barrel, it’ll warm from the sun. We just need to set up some kind of screen.” He slid his arm around Olivia’s waist and put his mouth near her ear. “We don’t want the villagers looking at your beautiful naked body.”
“I think my pale skin would give them a fright.”
He laughed quietly.
“The beds are all ready,” Olivia said, “so we can come back and crash after the goat feast.” She paused. “Never thought I’d be going to one of those.”
“And in our honor,” Harry said. He nodded at the village. “We should get over there. By the sound of it the party is starting.”
The beat of drums was filling the air, and a thick plume of smoke was staining the twilight sky.
Staying close to Lucas, Olivia made her way from the tent to the village. She glanced at the dark bushes, then at the huge expanse of plains. She wondered if she could see an elephant in the distance, or if it was just her imagination. But either way, she knew wildlife would be all about—they were literally camping in a safari park. Here the animals ruled the roost, they as humans, were just hanging out for a while in their territory.
“Ah, here you all are,” Anya said when they wandered into the center of the village. She’d applied bright red lipstick, the way she had at the corn roast, and looked very glamorous considering the humble surroundings. “I am excited that you are here, joining us.”
“We have some food in the truck,” Olivia said. “We don’t want to eat yours if there isn’t much.”
“It is with great joy my people share this food with you, our honorable guests.”
“Thank you.”
“Come, come, this way. I will introduce you to my brother and his wives.”
“His wives?”
“Yes,” Anya smiled. “He has many.”
Just like I have many boyfriends.
Olivia followed Anya past several groups of people, who smiled and nodded.
The children were playing a loud game, shrieking and yowling at each other. It was some kind of chase, but when someone got caught there was lots of rolling on the floor screaming as they were pawed and bitten.
“What are they playing?” Olivia asked.
Anya shook her head and frowned. “The leopard game.”
“What’s that?”
“The leopard will not leave our village alone.”
“On the farm, you told me about man eaters.”
“This one has not taken a man, but many goats have gone missing. He is getting braver, or maybe it is a she with cubs to feed, I am not sure.”
“How do you know it’s getting braver?”
“It leaves a trail, paw prints the size of this.” She held both her hands up with her fingers spread, creating a large circle.
“Has it come into the village?”
“No.” She paused. “Not yet.”
Olivia thought of the tent with its canvas walls. She studied the strong stone huts and wondered at the wisdom of turning down the chance to sleep in one of them.
“It’ll be okay,” Lucas said. “It won’t want to be near us.”
“Not with this noise.” Mason nodded ahead at a group of men who were starting up a dance to the beat of the drums. “The poor thing will be racing away and cowering somewhere.”
“I hope you’re right.” Olivia pulled in a deep breath.
They approached Yamba, who was seated with two women at his side.
“This is my mother,” Anya said, taking the hand of an elegant woman in a pale-green dress.
Olivia smiled. “Hello.”
She inclined her head.
“And this is my other mother,” Anya said. “She is not my birth mother but she raised me, too. She is also married to Yamba.”
Olivia kept her smile in place. It seemed all the men around here had multiple wives. Maybe she’d fit in more than she’d thought—if it didn’t matter that the gender was switched in her instance.
Trouble was, she’d told Anya that Raul was her boyfriend. But perhaps she’d be more understanding than most if Olivia told her the truth.
“Here,” Anya said, handing Olivia a brown ceramic bowl full of steaming stew. “This is our speciality, it is goat with vegetable from the ground, and spices. I hope you like it.”
“It smells amazing.”
Yamba stood and held up his hands.
The dancing stopped, and everyone fell quiet, including the children.
“Welcome, friends from far away lands,” Yamba said in a booming voice. “We thank the gods for your safe journey, your generous spirits, and for the food we present to you.” He grinned. “Eat. Everybody eat.”
The drums started up again, as did the dancing. The food was handed out, and more wood thrown on the fire, sending up a fiery spray of sparks.
Anya ushered them to a stone wall. Olivia sat and ate and watched the village men performing a stomping dance as several women and children clapped to the beat.
The partying went on with much enthusiasm and celebration as all around the village the plains turned black. There was no moon, and a veil of clouds hid the stars.
Eventually Harry caught her yawning.
“You tired, Liv?”
He smiled. “Me, too, but you know what…”
“Tell me.”
“This was on my to-do list.” He nodded at the dancers. “To be in Africa, like this, with the real people of this beautiful country.”
She raised her eyebrows. “That’s a fairly wholesome addition to your list, Harry.”
He laughed. “Yeah, I guess. But the next one won’t be.”
“And what’s that, then?”
He tapped the side of his nose. “You’ll find out in good time.”
“Come on,” Evan said, standing. “Let’s make our excuses and go back to the tent. This morning feels like it started last year.”
“I know what you mean.” Paul yawned and stretched his arms over his head.
“Are you going?” Anya asked.
“We’ve had a lovely time,” Olivia smiled. “But after the long drive, and knowing how much there is to do tomorrow, we should get some rest.”
“I understand. I will tell my father.”
Olivia glanced over at Yamba. He was surrounded by the other elders and appeared to be having a wonderful time. She hoped they’d had something to do with the chief’s jovial mood.
“Please pass on our thanks. Tomorrow we’ll discuss where he wants the hospital to be built.”
“He has ideas for that,” Anya said. “And he’ll be pleased they will no longer be just ideas, but a reality.”
Olivia gave Anya a quick kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, my friend.”
Chapter Fifteen
Mason had rigged a light in the center of the tent. It didn’t give much glow, but it was enough for Olivia to see as she went into one of the three bedroom compartments with a bowl of water. She freshened up, brushed her teeth, then tugged on new panties and a t-shirt. The night air was cool. Slipping under the blankets covering of one of the six large camp beds—another one stood a foot away—she sighed and closed her eyes.
Having her tired body sink into the bed was heavenly, and she began to drift.
The men were talking quietly in the main part of the tent. Water splashed in the next bedroom compartment as they took turns to wash away the dust of the day. Her thoughts were becoming fractured and her body heavy. The zipper on her compartment opened.
She kept her eyes closed and relished the thought of one of her men’s warm bodies beside hers.
Within seconds, hot skin pressed up against hers and an arm slid around her waist.
“Hey, babe.”
A smile spread on her face as Evan nuzzled her neck and kissed the necklace. “I thought you might need to share body heat.”
“You thought right.” She went to turn, but he held her facing away from him.
“No, like this.” He lodged his cock between her ass cheeks. He was naked. “Lift your top leg.”
She did as he’d asked. Heat spread to her pussy. Tiredness had settled over her, but not so much that she’d object to an orgasm.
“Mmm, you’re so fucking hot, you know that?” he murmured as he tugged her panties aside.
“Shh,” she said. “These walls are thin.”
“You think I care if the guys hear me making love to you?” He slipped his cock to her entrance.
“What?” He stilled.
“Paul, he’s not…”
“No, he isn’t one of your men, but he’ll have to learn to live with us.” He pushed in, clamping his hand over her stomach to keep her lodged against him.
Olivia bit down on her bottom lip and held in a groan. Evan’s cock felt so good riding high and rubbing over her G-spot.
He stuttered out a breath that heated her neck. “Yeah, hug me like that.”
Her pussy was fluttering around his shaft, and she was getting damper by the second.
“Last time I took you from behind your ass was red,” he whispered. “Harry had pinked it up.”
“Yes.” She gripped his forearm, the one that was holding her tight.
“You liked that?”
“Yes… I like Harry’s need to push things.”
“You think I don’t push things?” He shunted in higher, as if to prove how well he could push.
A long, low groan escaped her. “Evan…yes, you do. You do.”
He nibbled her ear. “Right answer.” He pulled almost out, then eased back in. “Touch yourself, babe, while I do this to you.”
She closed her eyes and ran her hand between her legs. Her clit needed stimulation. She sought it out and began to rub with the tips of her first two fingers.
“That’s so sexy,” he murmured. “Make yourself come.”
“I think you’re going to do that,” she managed when he stroked over her G-spot again.
“Mmm.” He went to full depth, then withdrew and repeated.
As he took her closer, she worked herself to climax. She was hot now, her skin peppered with perspiration. The need to release the pressure was becoming desperate.
“Babe, I’m gonna…”
“Yes, yes,” she whispered, bucking back onto him.
He groaned and buried his head against her neck. His hold on her was vice-like, and his cock steel hard each time he plunged deep.
A delicious orgasm claimed her as she swirled her clit and pulsed around his cock.
His chest inflated onto her back and he prepared to come. As he released his pleasure, he drew breath again and curled his hips under, taking her higher.
Bliss spread over her nerves, and it was as though she’d become part of Evan. Her heart thudded, not just from the intense physical experience but also her love for him. He was so perfect for her. Brave and strong and skilled and oh, so sexy.
“That was…the perfect…end to the day…” he said, kissing her cheek and remaining deep inside her.
“Yes.” She kept her eyes closed and gripped his arm. Her pussy was damp, and a lovely sense of satisfaction had enveloped her.
“Don’t move,” he whispered. “I want to go to sleep like this…inside you.”
His suggestion suited her well, so she remained locked with him and waited for her heart rate to return to normal. When it had, she quickly fell asleep, cocooned in his arms.
When she woke the next morning, Evan was on his back and she was snuggled up at his side. He had his arm around her shoulders, still locking her close, even though he was no longer inside her.
She touched his jaw line, which had a sprinkle of light-blond stubble.
“Morning,” he said, opening his eyes and smiling.
She kissed his shoulder and ran her finger down his neck to sit at the base of his throat.
“You snored,” he said.
“I did not.” She never snored, or at least no one had ever told her she did.
He chuckled. “You must have been exhausted.”
“Well, I was exhausted when I went to bed, then you tired me out a bit more. So if I snored it was your fault.”
“Okay, I’ll accept that.” He squeezed her.
“At least I slept. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to here, in
a tent.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, it’s a bit different to where we’ve pitched before. No lions, elephants, leopards, and all those other creatures that would happily have me on their menu.”
“Yeah, you got out of having to sleep with the bears in Copper Mountain.”
“Thank goodness.”
He was quiet for a moment, then, “The people of the village live happily enough amongst all these man-eating animals.”
“Anya has told me the leopards can be a problem. They get a taste for human blood and then that’s all they want.”
“Babe, there’s no leopards coming around here.”
“Anya said—”
“We’re much too noisy, or at least we will be when we start banging this hospital together.”
“Do you think?”
“Yes, absolutely. All that whacking and hammering, no animal will like that.” He tugged her a little nearer and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “So don’t worry; relax and enjoy the experience. I won’t let anything hurt you, and definitely not eat you. I promise.”
Much as she prided herself at being independent, the thought of being stalked by a leopard was pretty damn terrifying, so to know she had Evan watching out for her was comforting.
“Is there something else worrying you?” he asked. “What Paul said yesterday…about witch doctors.”
“I can’t say I’m particularly thrilled that my organs would sell at such a premium.” She suppressed a shudder.
“He shouldn’t have mentioned it.”
“But it’s the truth.” She paused. “Back home I look similar to all my friends, but here…I do stand out.”
“None of the guys are going to let anything happen to you,” he said firmly. “Anyone tried to so much as take a hair from your head, I’d kill them. Any of us would.”
She nodded.”
“So don’t worry about it. You’re our absolute priority.”
“Thanks.” She looked into his eyes. “And you’re all my priority, too. Your happiness and safety.”
“So we all stick close, okay.”
“Yes, that suits me.
He smiled, his usual easygoing curl of his lips that made his eyes sparkle. “It’s all good, babe.”