Runaways Page 5
Harry caught her chin and turned her to face him. “So you know what will happen next time you’re with both of us?”
“Yes.” She swallowed, imagining Harry and Evan inside her at the same time. Would she be able to accommodate them? What would it feel like?
“You’ll come like never before,” Evan whispered. “Harry and I will do that to you.”
“I know,” she said, her heart rate picking up.
“But not today.” Harry grinned suddenly and stepped away.
Evan did the same. “No, because we have something for you.”
“A few things actually.” Harry set a silvery bag with string handles before her and resumed his position against the dresser.
“What’s that?” she asked.
“Presents,” Evan said, grinning and pouring himself a coffee. “Harry and I did a little online shopping last night.”
“You did?”
Harry shrugged. “We sat up late, had a few drinks, thought it seemed like a good idea while we had internet access.”
“And now? Not such a good idea?”
“Oh, it was a good idea all right.” Harry nodded at the bag. “Take a look.”
She tightened the towel around herself then delved in. She pulled out a box the same color as the bag and set it down.
“It’s not my birthday,” she said.
“It doesn’t need to be a special occasion to spoil you.” Harry shook his head. “Open it.”
Olivia grinned and tugged off the lid.
Nestled in pale pink tissue paper was a set of exquisitely delicate underwear. She pulled it out. Both the bra and knickers were scarlet. The bra had satin cups and lace trim. The panties were also a combination of lace and satin.
“Do you like it?” Evan asked.
“Yes, very much. Makes a change from the sensible underwear I’ve been wearing.”
“That’s what we thought.” He nodded at the box. “There’s more, beneath the tissue paper.
“Is there?” She had a look and found a pair of sheer black hold-up stockings.
“Apparently Harry has a thing for stockinged legs wrapped around his waist.” Evan flashed Harry a grin. “’Ain’t that right, mate.”
“I can’t deny it.” Harry fingered the stockings. “There’s just something about that feeling.” He appeared a little lost in thought.
Olivia chuckled. “Well it’ll be the most glamorous thing I’m taking to Africa, that’s for sure.”
“But for our eyes only,” Evan said, then quickly added, “Us five, I mean, of course. I’m sure the twins and Raul would enjoy seeing you in sexy undies, too.”
“I’m sure they would.”
She set the underwear back in the box.
“There’s something else,” Harry said, nodding at the bag.
“This is too much.”
“Of course it’s not, have a look.” He glanced at Evan and ran his hand through his hair.
That nervous gesture of his made Olivia wonder all the more what they’d bought. Something devilishly kinky?
The next box was black velvet with a small gold clasp on the front.
“Go on,” Harry said, folding his arms.
She glanced at Evan. He nodded.
She pulled in a breath and opened the lid. Twinkling up at her was a piece of jewelery, a necklace, but not a pendent necklace, it was a choker. Its entire circumference was set with diamonds and it had a tiny silver clasp.
Both guys were silent.
“It’s…different.” She carefully removed it from the velvet it sat on. It was light and sparkled with every movement.
“Do you like it, though?” Harry asked, standing straight.
“Yes, I do.”
He smiled, though not one of his cocky, self-assured smiles. It was more delicate, indulgent, as if he’d been thinking of this moment for some time. “It would please me if you wore it.”
“Please us,” Evan said.
“Yes, us.” Harry nodded. “To see it around your neck. So that you’re wearing something of ours, all the time.”
It wasn’t the sparkling ring she’d thought she’d get one day from a guy, but then again, the relationship she was in with five men wasn’t something she’d predicted either.
“So will you wear it?” Harry asked.
“Yes. If it would make you happy.”
“It really is damn sexy.” Evan grinned suddenly, and the heaviness of the conversation seemed to lift. “Put it on. We want to see how it sits around your neck.”
“Okay.” She took it from the box, but almost immediately Harry plucked it from her.
“Let me do it.” He fiddled with the clasp, his fingers looking ridiculously big against the delicate metalwork.
She couldn’t stop staring at the way it glistened in the light. It was as if stars from the darkest night sky had been embedded into it.
“Here,” Harry said, slipping the slender piece of jewelery around her neck.
She watched in the mirror as he stepped behind her and carefully did it up. It was tight, but not uncomfortably so. Just enough so she’d know it was there.
“It’s beautiful,” she said, admiring how it looked against her skin.
“It should be,” Evan said. “Cost the same as his bloody Rolex.”
“What?” She covered it with her palm. “No, that’s too much. Harry…”
“Shh.” He pressed a kiss to her temple. “The price of it means nothing, it’s the fact you’re wearing it that’s important.”
She noticed him throw a scowl at Evan.
“But really…I can’t accept something so expensive.”
“Look at it this way.” Harry set his hands on her shoulders and caught her gaze in the mirror. “It’s simply a gift for the woman in our life to show how much you mean to us. Does that take the issue of money away?”
She pulled in a deep breath. “I guess.”
Raul suddenly appeared from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He stopped in his tracks when he spotted Olivia.
“Wow,” he said. “Diamonds for our woman.”
“Yes.” Harry nodded.
“I like.” Raul grinned. “It is very sexy, si.”
“I agree.” Evan pressed a kiss to her cheek and stroked his finger over the choker.
Knock. Knock.
Raul reached for the door handle and pulled it open.
Paul stood there, dressed in jeans and a white polo. “Riley is waiting for us all to…”
His attention fell on the scene before him. Raul wearing only a towel. Evan and Harry pressed close to Olivia, who also wore only a towel, but with diamonds around her neck.
“I’m sorry…” Paul said. “Am I interrupting something between you four?”
Chapter Six
“No,” Olivia said quickly. “Not at all. We’re just getting ready to find Riley and the others.” She stepped out of his view, uncomfortable about Paul seeing her with so little covering.
“We’ll be right there,” Raul said.
“We’ll come with you now.” Harry nodded at Evan. “Won’t we?”
“Yeah.” Evan stepped up to Olivia. “You okay?”
He frowned a little. “Sure?”
“Yes. I’m sure. We’ll join you in a couple of minutes.”
He leaned close and kissed her. “You’re so fucking sexy and I love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” she whispered.
Within seconds she was left alone with Raul.
“Perhaps I should call Anya.” Olivia dropped her towel to the floor and rummaged in her bag for underwear.
“Si, that is important.” He pulled on boxers, then dragged up his jeans.
“I’ve got the number in the pocket of my leathers.” She reached behind herself and fastened the clasp on a plain bra.
“I hope she answers.”
“Me, too.” They needed Anya’s help to get their next challe
nge in motion.
She found panties, slipped them on, then added jeans and a blue t-shirt.
“Do you want me to wait with you while you call?” Raul asked as he stooped to catch his reflection in the mirror and run his hands through his hair. He spent a few seconds making sure his bangs flicked to the right.
“No, I’ll be okay. I’ll come and find you in a minute.” She plucked Anya’s number from where she’d carefully stored it. “Hopefully I’ll be able to speak to her.
“Si.” He threw her a smile. “Here is the key. I will see you in Harry’s suite.”
Olivia picked up the phone by the bed and dialled Anya’s number. Her heart sagged as the seconds passed with no answer, then suddenly there was a click, a pause, and a familiar voice.
“Yes. Who is this?”
“It’s Olivia, from last week. I picked blueberries on the farm with you.”
“Ah, Olivia. How lovely to hear from you.”
Olivia smiled. “So much has happened. I really need to talk to you. Are you free?”
“Yes. I am just collecting crates for the morning’s harvest.”
“Great.” Olivia paused and heard the sound of Anya’s footsteps on gravel. “You know we were heading to Las Vegas after we saw you.”
“And Raul was—”
“Convinced he was going to win big bucks.” She chuckled. “Yes, I remember.”
“Well.” Olivia pulled in a deep breath. “He did.”
“Enough to build the hospital for your village.”
Still silence.
“Anya, are you there?”
“Are you speaking the truth, my friend?”
“Yes, of course I am. Lucas and Raul played all night. They made lots of money. We’re going to Africa, to Kaskum to build the hospital your people need. It won’t be huge or state-of-the-art, but it will be something, and we’re bringing a doctor and some medical supplies, too.”
There was a slight thud. “I have to sit down.”
“Is it okay for us to do that?” A sudden worry went through Olivia that perhaps the villagers would be too proud to accept their help.
“It is more than okay, Olivia. It is a dream come true. It is what my people need so badly. I cannot begin to thank you.” She hesitated. “It is true?”
Olivia laughed. “Yes, it really is. We’ll be heading to Africa over the next few days, then as soon as we’re organized with all the building materials we’ll go to the village. The guys will build it between them, and I’ll get that Jeep of yours working again.”
“My father will be so happy. It will be a weight off his shoulders.”
“It’s only what your people should have. Everyone deserves access to health care.”
“I agree, but it is not always the case. There is not enough money in the world.”
Olivia looked at her reflection and fingered the hugely expensive necklace. “We’re going to try and even up the balance, even if it’s just a little bit.”
“I cannot thank you enough. How will I ever be able to repay you?”
“That won’t be necessary, we’re happy to do it.” Not least because it meant they could stay together while they undertook the job. She hoped it wasn’t selfish to think that, but Olivia had been terrified at the thought of being split from her men.
“I should go home, to Africa. It has been too long.”
“It would of course be wonderful to see you, Anya, and for you to be there as we build. But are you able to stop fruit picking?”
“Yes. I have money now, and my heart is breaking from not seeing my family. Another day and I think I will turn to stone.” She paused. “I will get home to my village, Olivia. I will see you, Raul, and your other friends there.”
“Okay, if you’re sure. Can you send me the details of exactly where the village is?”
“I will do that now, and Olivia…”
“It is fate that we met. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And Raul, too, your handsome boyfriend.”
“It was fate.” Olivia smiled. “Speak to you soon.”
“Yes, and see you soon.”
Olivia hung up and began to quickly tidy her things. She then dried her hair and plaited it so it hung in one long strand down her back. The style set off the new necklace, making her neck appear slim and delicate. She was thrilled with the gift but couldn’t help feel a little anxious about the price tag.
Keen to get to Harry’s suite and find out what Riley and the guys were plotting and planning, she slipped from the room
When she wandered through the door opposite, the scent of coffee swirled in the air along with the sweetness of pastries. A table by the large window had been spread with fruit, croissants, and cakes.
“Hey,” Lucas said, smiling at her. “Want a cup of tea?”
He quickly poured it then handed it to her, setting a kiss on her cheek as he did so. The aroma of breakfast was replaced with his light cologne, and she breathed a little deeper.
“Nice jewelry,” he said, his gaze drifting to her neck.
“It’s from Harry.”
“It’s from all of us,” Harry said, looking up from a laptop which was perched on his knee. “What do you think, Lucas?”
“It’s beautiful, like she is.” Lucas smiled, and his often-serious expression softened.
Olivia took a sip of tea and enjoyed the warm feeling filling her soul. The mood in the room was upbeat, anticipatory. It seemed the new challenge, even if it was one they’d set themselves, had everyone raring to go.
“Where’s Riley?” Olivia asked.
“He’ll be here in a minute.” Mason bit into a huge bun covered in white icing. Crumbs scattered.
Olivia laughed. “Are you hungry?”
“Starving.” He reached for a napkin.
“I just spoke to Anya.” Olivia helped herself to a croissant.
“How did that go?” Evan asked. He was sitting at the table with Paul and Raul. A mound of paperwork was set before them and another laptop.
“She’s thrilled with the plan. Really happy. In fact, she’s going to go home, after three years, so she can be there as we build.”
“That is good,” Raul said. “It is different culture. To have someone who understands the local ways will be helpful.”
“I agree.” Paul nodded. He jerked his head at Olivia. “Come and see what we’ve done so far.”
Olivia wandered over to the table and bit into her croissant.
“Evan has started on building materials,” Paul said. “We’ll be sourcing them in Cape Town mainly.”
“It’ll be the easiest thing to do,” Evan said. “We’ll fill a hire truck with everything we need and drive it to the village.”
“Okay.” Olivia nodded.
“Lucas and Mason have been working on the electrics and plumbing. It’ll be basic but adequate.”
“Aye, and it’ll have to be tough,” Mason said. “So it will stand the test of time. I really want to get solar panels, but they’re expensive. I think we should try and stretch the budget, though.”
“What about a wind turbine, too?” Olivia suggested.
“Great idea.” Mason waggled a pen at her then dipped his head and continued writing his list.
“What are you working on, Paul?” she asked.
“The medical side of things. Harry and Raul have allocated the budget, so I’m prioritizing what to take, plus I’ll have to get some things organized here, like the vaccinations, to take with us.”
“This is so exciting.” She sipped her tea. “Oh, but can I add something?”
“Of course,” Harry said, looking up. “What?”
“Anya mentioned her Jeep didn’t work. If I can take a basic tool kit, with a socket set, wrenches, leads, voltmeter, pliers, you know, just the usual, then I could get it going again.” She paused. “Hopefully.”
“Of course.” He went back to tapping away. “I’ll get that ordered now.”
The door to the suite opened, and Riley strode in. He looked freshly showered, his gray hair a little damp and his moustache neat, as if it had been trimmed.
“Good morning,” he said, casting his gaze over everyone. “Great to see you all up and getting prepared. Dante is very happy with the plan.”
“Yeah, I spoke to my father earlier,” Harry said.
“He mentioned that, Harry.” Riley reached into a brown envelope. “Here, I have organized new documents for you all, to replace everything that went down with Temptress.”
“Great.” Evan accepted his as Riley began to hand them out. “I was worried about not having my driving licence and passport.”
Harry took his. A gold credit card was placed on the top. “My father mentioned something about a contribution, Riley. Do you know what that is yet?”
“Indeed I do.” Riley rubbed his hands together. “And that’s why I’m a little late. These things take time to organize.”
“What contribution?” Paul asked.
“He’s doubling the cash you won in Vegas,” Riley said.
“What?” Raul jumped up and clapped. “This is so good, now we will get everything we need. No scrimping.” He jabbed a pen at the list in front of Mason. “Get those solar panels, definitely.”
“I will.” Mason began to scribble.
Harry grinned and nodded.
“It does of course come with one condition.” Riley set down the now empty envelope and rubbed his thumbs against his fingertips.
“Let me guess,” Olivia said.
“Go on then.” Riley smiled at her.
“No phones.”
His grin broadened. “You’ve got it in one.”
Mason clicked his tongue. “Should have seen that one coming.”
“Really? Still,” Harry moaned.
“Sure thing. He thinks its doing you all good to be living in the moment and not online.”
“He does have a point,” Evan said.
“I agree.” Lucas shrugged.
“Fair enough then.” Harry tutted.
Olivia was secretly pleased. As long as she could check in with her parents from time to time, and Sandy, to let them know she was okay, she was quite happy to leave Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and emails far behind.