Breakaways: Reverse Harem Romance (The Challenge Book 5) Page 6
“Hopefully Riley will be able to give us an update,” Evan said. “You think we’ll see him again today, Harry?”
“Probably, if he’s got anything to report.” He frowned. “I kinda want my phone back, too.”
“You do?” Olivia was surprised. “I thought you’d enjoyed being out of the loop. No Twitter and all that distraction.”
He shrugged. “Yeah, it was okay, but I wouldn’t mind having a look, putting up a few posts.”
“About your marriage?” Mason asked.
“Maybe.” Harry shrugged and beneath the table he squeezed Olivia’s knee. “I’m proud of my wife.”
“And when Raul’s mother sees it, then what?” He gestured to Lucas. “Makes it impossible for us to introduce her as our wife. Evan, too.”
“Ah, you’re making it more complicated than it is,” Harry said. “Chill out.”
“I’m not.” Mason frowned. “And I’m thinking of Olivia. I don’t want her being put on the spot and having to fend off awkward questions.”
“Perhaps we should just come out with it, say it how it is then,” Harry said then took a sip of his drink.
“That will raise a few eyebrows,” Olivia said.
“And won’t help with awkward questions,” Evan added.
“It was better when we were on our own.” Lucas sighed. “Just being who we want to be.”
“We can’t breakaway from real life forever.” Mason turned to Olivia. “Nice as that would be.”
“No, not unless we go and live in the outback.” Evan turned as Raul strode in balancing four plates in his hands and on his forearms. “But there’s no fancy restaurants there. This smells good.”
“Mmm, it does.” Olivia’s stomach rumbled.
“Here is dinner.” Raul set down the plates. “There is more coming, and I need your verdict. Only four will go on the new menu.”
“This looks really nice.” Olivia gestured to a stuffed pepper.
“That is the vegetarian option, pepper with olives, cous cous, pine nuts, and feta. Tell me what you think.”
“I will.” Olivia pulled the meal closer, enjoying the fragrant scent of basil and the bright colors on the plate.
“I’ll take the steak,” Evan said. “What’s the sauce?”
“It is a squid ink sauce.” Raul grinned.
“Really?” Evan wrinkled his nose.
“Do not pull that face until you’ve tried it,” Raul said. “It is very good, goes perfectly with beef.”
“Mmm, okay, I’ll give it a shot.” Evan picked up his knife and fork.
“And this one?” Harry asked, pointing at a fish plate.
“That is baked piri-piri tilapia with crushed potatoes.”
“Nice.” Harry nodded.
“And this is a sharing plate, a big meal.” Raul gestured to the twins. “I think you will like. It’s roast duck with citrus and carrots.”
“Aye, that will do us,” Mason said.
“Nice.” Lucas sat forward and inhaled. “Smells good, too.”
Raul placed his hands on his hips and beamed. “Good, you eat and then I will find out what you think, pass on the results to Jose.”
“Are they his recipes?” Olivia asked.
“Si, he has been working hard on them. I am pleased…so far.” He winked. “I have to go, my mother is in the kitchen. I fear she is driving my staff crazy with her interfering. It is time for me to pour her a sherry and send her into the courtyard for a rest.”
“Okay, we’ll see you soon.” Olivia smiled then started on her dinner.
“Here’s Riley.” Mason nodded at the huge window.
Riley was alighting a car, looking at his phone as he did so.
“The restaurant door’s locked.” Mason stood. “I’ll let him in.”
“I hope the kids are okay, and Darius isn’t missing Mason too much,” Lucas said as his twin strode across the empty restaurant.
“Me, too,” Olivia said.
With Riley inside, Mason locked the door again.
“Ah, good, you’re here.” Riley nodded at Harry then glanced around. “Where is Raul?”
“He’s in the kitchen,” Evan said. “Working.”
“Okay.” Riley twiddled his fingers.
“Everything all right with the children?” Mason asked, sitting back down.
“Slight hitch.”
“Go on.” Harry set his cutlery to one side and folding his arms.
“The aunt—we’re having trouble finding her. Banna has written her name down, but I’m not sure if the spelling is correct.”
“Have you tried it a few different ways?” Olivia asked.
“Sure we have. Nothing is coming up, though. No woman of that name or similar has ever entered the United Kingdom.”
“Oh dear, that’s a problem.” Olivia frowned. Poor Banna would be so worried.
“It’s okay. The children are settled with Tina for the night. I haven’t told them of any problems as yet. I’ve set a few people on the case, they’re working on it.”
“Good man.” Harry resumed eating his dinner.
“So we’ll know more in the morning?” Mason asked.
“Yes. I’ll get straight back to you on it.” Riley turned to the kitchen door as it swung open.
Raul walked in, his mother close behind.
When she saw Riley, her step faltered a little and she touched her hair as though checking for stray strands.
“Hola,” Raul said to Riley. “How are los niños?”
“Riley’s struggling to find the aunt,” Mason chipped in, then worried at his bottom lip.
“It’ll be okay.” Harry stabbed a chunk of steak. “He’ll sort it.”
“Er yes, I will.” Riley’s attention had gone to Raul’s mother. “I don’t believe we’ve met.” He smiled.
“Ah, this is my mother, Maria Santiago.”
“Charmed.” Riley took her hand and drew it to his lips.
“Oh, thank you,” she said then blinked several times as if fluttering her eyelashes. “And you are?”
“Riley Davis. Personal assistant to the Vidals.” Riley smiled.
“I see, and is this your first trip to Barcelona?”
“Yes, and it’s a very beautiful city.”
“I have made it my home.”
He released her hand.
“In fact,” she said, “I was just about to pour a sherry and sit out in the courtyard. The heat of the day is over, and it is very pleasant. Would you like to join me?”
Olivia glanced at Raul, who’d tipped his head and was studying his mother.
Riley smoothed his fingers over his moustache and glanced at Harry.
“Go for it,” Harry said. “Nothing else happening around here tonight.”
Riley inclined his head and smiled. “That would be wonderful, Mrs Santiago. Thank you.”
“Oh, Maria, please, and definitely not Mrs.” She giggled. “This way.”
Chapter Seven
The meal at Regalo del Mar was lovely, each dish getting the thumbs-up from Olivia and her men. Jose was particularly pleased with himself when he appeared at Raul’s side to inspect the empty plates.
But as smartly dressed diners began to arrive, Olivia excused herself and went back to the apartment.
Within minutes all her men joined her. It seemed Harry had been recognized, and the others had encouraged him away after he’d posed for several photographs.
Raul brought up a tray of small pastry treats, which he set on the island in the kitchen area. “Here, I make these, to finish off dinner.”
“It was a delicious dinner,” Olivia said. “I’m so pleased to have finally visited Regalo del Mar.”
“And I am glad, too.” He paused. “I had thought my mother would spend time with you all but it seems she was distracted.”
“By Riley.” Harry chuckled. “I’d never have guessed that would happen.”
“Why? My mother is a very beautiful woman.” Raul frowned.
> “Yes, yes she is, very.” Harry held up his hand. “I just thought Riley was gay, that’s all.”
“You did?” Olivia was surprised.
“Yeah, just something about him.”
“I can see where you’re coming from.” Mason popped a pastry into his mouth. “Mmm, these are good.”
“They are a secret recipe.” Raul took one and ate it.
“Let me try.” Olivia selected one with chocolate oozing from the middle. It melted on her tongue, and she sighed and closed her eyes.
“An orgasm for the mouth, si?” Raul laughed.
“That’s exactly what it is.” She grinned and took another.
“So where are we all sleeping?” Lucas asked. “You’ve got enough rooms, right?”
“Si. There is my room, for me and Olivia.” He paused as if expecting an objection. There was none. “And a double-bedded room next to the bathroom, and opposite a room with two single beds. It is for when my brother and his family visit me.”
“Cool.” Harry nodded.
“So two of you will have to share a bed unless the sofa is an option,” Olivia said.
“We’ll share.” Lucas gestured to Mason. “We shared a womb, we can share a bed.”
Mason chuckled. “Aye, and I don’t need to worry about you bumming me in the night.”
“Bumming?” Raul asked.
“Aye, you know, slipping it up my arse when I’m asleep,” Mason said.
Evan glanced at Harry.
Harry looked away and took a pastry.
“I see.” Raul nodded. “No, you will not have to worry about bumming with your brother.”
Olivia wondered if Harry and Evan would have secretly liked to share a bed, or if they were relieved they wouldn’t be. Perhaps they’d have been tempted to kiss again, or more.
‘This is only a threesome thing.’
Their words came back to her. For a moment she longed for some alone time with them, another threesome so she could see them together, naked, exploring their new, more physical relationship. But then she remembered how tired she was and how much sex she’d already had that afternoon. It really was time for her to put her head on the pillow.
“I’m going to call it a day.” She reached for a glass of water. “I’m done in.”
“An early night will do you good,” Evan said. He stepped up to her and slipped his arms around her waist. “Sleep well.” He kissed her gently.
She leaned against him and enjoyed the taste of his sugary tongue as it touched hers.
When he pulled back he smiled. “See you in the morning.”
“Yes.” She stepped away. “I’ll see you all in the morning.”
“Not me. I will be in bed soon. One more check on the kitchen.” Raul frowned. “And a check on my mother.”
Olivia didn’t hear Raul come to bed. She’d quickly fallen into a deep, dreamless sleep. When she woke, for a moment she was disorientated, then she opened her eyes and saw the slatted blind at the window.
Memories of the day before flooded back. The way she’d been tied to the bed she was now in, then teased and pleasured.
She smiled and turned over.
Raul was sleeping on his side with his back to her. The skin on his shoulders was glowing and tanned, and appeared all the darker because of the white sheet laying halfway up his torso.
She wondered about snuggling in close, perhaps waking him for some fun, but her bladder protested.
Slipping from the bed, she reached for his robe again and pulled it on. As she tied a knot in the belt, a wave of nausea rolled through her belly. She grimaced and swallowed. She’d overdone it the evening before, with her big fancy dinner and then the pastries.
Whilst in the bathroom, she decided to shower. With the water set to cool, she stood under the stream. The nausea settled, eventually, and she emerged, dressed and feeling better.
“Morning,” Harry said, pouring himself a coffee.
“Hey.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek. He’d shaved, and his skin was smooth for a change. “You smell nice.”
“Thought I’d splash on a bit of the good stuff, as we’ve got a day out in the city.”
She reached for the kettle and filled it. “And what are we going to do?”
“Sightseeing.” He touched his hair, which was damp and neatly brushed.
She smiled. “Where first?”
Evan strolled from the bedroom yawning. He wore only his jeans and, unlike Harry, his blond hair was tousled and he had a layer of soft stubble. He also had a crease mark on his cheek, as though he’d slept heavy and in one position.
“Hey,” he said, his voice a little hoarse as he scraped his hair back from his face, flashing his pale underarm hair.
“You need another few hours’ sleep?” Harry asked.
“Yeah, your bloody snoring kept me awake half the night.”
“I don’t snore.” Harry looked indignant.
“Yeah, you do.”
“Do I?” Harry turned to Olivia.
“Ha, don’t involve me in this.” She laughed and helped herself to a mug and a teabag.
Evan slid his hand over her ass then took the coffeepot from its stand.
“I was thinking we’d start with Las Ramblas, then Parc Guell, Sagrada Familia.”
“You are planning our day?” Raul appeared wearing tight gray boxers and nothing else.
“Yes, what do you recommend?” Evan said. “As we’re all first-timers here.”
“What Harry said and also La Pedrera, Barcelona FC Museum, Picasso Museum, Miró Museum.”
“Whoa, hang on.” Olivia laughed. “I’m exhausted thinking about fitting that all into one day.”
Evan sipped his drink and looked at her over the rim. “Me, too, but I do fancy the FC museum, I bet the twins would as well.”
“I’d rather do Picasso,” Olivia said.
“Me, too,” Harry said. “Perhaps we should split up.”
“Let’s see how we feel after breakfast.” Raul glanced around. “I’m sure I had a robe here. I’ve lost it.”
“I borrowed it. Hang on, it’s in the bathroom. I’ll fetch it for you.”
“No, I’ll get it.” Raul wandered barefoot toward the bathroom. Before he reached it, the intercom chimed. He pressed the small silver button in the center. “Hola.”
“It’s me, Riley, can I come up?”
“Si, of course, it is open.”
“I should wake Mason and Lucas.” Olivia set her drink aside. “If he’s got news of the kids they’ll want to know.”
By the time Riley had climbed the stairs, the twins were wandering from the bedroom, dragging on clothes as they went.
Olivia made them both tea, then poured a coffee for Riley.
“Good morning,” Riley said, striding into the apartment. “Everybody well?”
“Yeah, we’re good.”
“Let’s see how good?” He held up a thick brown envelope.
“What is that?” Raul asked.
“Your medical results.” He set his attention on Raul. “But first, can you tell me why your mother is planning a big celebration to welcome your new wife into the Santiago family?”
Olivia’s heart rate picked up, and a tremble gripped her stomach. This was exactly the kind of questioning she’d hoped to avoid.
“Ah, is she?” Raul glanced at Olivia. “I didn’t know.”
“It’s not that I’m asking you about.” Riley switched his attention to Harry. “It’s why Maria thinks Olivia is Raul’s bride.”
Harry shrugged and poured more coffee. “I told you, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not worried, more…confused.”
“Think out of the box,” Harry said. “Olivia likes Raul and me, so we both married her.”
“You both married her?” Riley’s mouth fell open. “How can you even do that? It’s illegal.”
“Not in Africa, apparently.” Harry sipped his drink.
Olivia set her tea aside. Her stomach
rolled as nerves got the better of her. What would Riley do with this news?
“But…” Riley started. “How will you explain that to your parents? The media?”
“My parents will be happy if I’m happy. As for the media, I don’t exactly intend to advertise the fact my wife has other husbands.”
“Other husbands? In the plural? How many does she have?” Riley turned Olivia.
She swallowed. “I have five. There were six, but one didn’t work out.”
“Didn’t work out.” His eyes widened. “Well I’m not surprised. How can you possibly expect to be married to so many men?”
“I never expected it, but I fell in love with them all, and them me. So we made it official when we were in Kaskum.”
He blew out a breath. “Well I never would have believed it. And Harry…”
“Yeah?” Harry sat at the table.
“I’ll leave you to explain this one to Dante.”
“I will.” He grinned. “When I’ve got my phone back.”
“Ah, yes.” Riley tutted. “Damn, I’ve left the phones in the car. I’ll go and get them. But first, here, hand these out. They’re all sealed.” He passed the envelope to Mason then strode from the room. He left the door slightly ajar.
Mason tipped the individual envelopes onto the table. One was a little fatter than the others. “This one’s yours, Evan. There’s something in it.”
“Thanks.” Evan took it and ripped it open. He pulled out a small packet of pills.
“What’s that?” Olivia asked.
“I told the doc about my fear of flying. Mentioned that I’d had a tablet to knock me out. He said I should have some more, in case I had no choice but to fly.”
“Damn good idea.” Harry picked up his envelope. “Will save us hassle when we need to go back to LA.”
“Why do we need to go back to LA?” Evan asked.
“Because I’ve got an awesome big house in Malibu we can hang out in. Plus I want to introduce Liv to my family.”
“We want to introduce her to ours, too,” Mason said. “In Scotland.”
“Hold your horses,” Olivia said, reaching for her envelope. “I’m sure your Malibu house is stunning, Harry, and we’ll go there one day. But Mason, Lucas, whose wife am I going to be when I meet your parents?” Her head was starting to swim with it all. Having five husbands was all well and good, but five sets of in-laws… Five extended families—extended families who were as confused as Riley about her marriages. Could she handle that?